Unity unto Revival – Testimonies from the Onething Conference

Happy 2016!!!

We hope you had a good holiday. We finally managed to put up our tree the week of Christmas. I was proud of myself to pull it off as we’ve been extra busy since Hosanna arrived. We are thoroughly enjoying her and so is Isaac. But we need more sleep!

Recently IHOPKC and all our staff hosted around 20,000 people downtown Kansas City during our Onething Conference. The conference is about renewing our love for Jesus with times of prayer, worship and teaching. In that time we witnessed some miraculous things! The main thing we witnessed was the unity God is building in the Body of Christ. Many groups attended together, including:

  • Ten Russian bishops. Two of the bishops represented 90% of the protestant Christians in all Russia.
  • 500 Charismatic Catholics and their bishop
  • Ronnie Floyd, the President of Southern Baptist Convention, the largest denomination in America covering about 50,000 churches. While he did not endorse all the theology represented at the conference, he stressed unity on the majors of faith in Christ and the importance of prayer and fasting unto revival for America.
  • A group of Messianic Jews
  • Francis Chan, Matt Maher, Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda among others.
  • This is all on top of the thousands of young people present from local churches and youth groups all over North America and beyond. Christianity never looked so young. It was refreshing to see so many Millennials with hungry hearts for Jesus.

Onething Conference 2015 When seeing these various groups all coming to worship Jesus in grow in prayer, we were reminded that Jesus Himself linked unity in the Church with the Great Commission being fulfilled when He prayed to the Father, …that they [all believers in Jesus] also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me [revival]. (John 17:21)  Over this conference we witnessed first hand the unity the Father is building in the Body of Christ. He is building unity as well as a praying church to usher into the greatest revival the Church has ever known.

Some other exciting things that happened in our four days together:

  • A leadership summit with 500 leaders around the world that are involved with building places of prayer.
  • 3,000 people received personal prophetic ministry (1 Cor. 14:3) through our prophetic teams. If
    you are new to this type of ministry, all this means is sharing the impressions the Holy Spirit gives you in order to strengthen and comfort other believers. If you are interested in this type of ministry, I have taught conferences on this topic and trained many others.  You can find the notes under “Free Teachings” resources.
  • 850 people received prayer from our healing teams and 400 gave testimonies of physical healing I have a specifics on some of the healings if you’d like to read them. Click here to see some of the video testimonies during the conference.
  • Around 500-1,000 surrendered their life to Jesus the final night. It was hard to tell how many.

As you can see, God was doing a lot in our short time together!

In our small part, Joannie and I worked “the Hub”, connecting people with resources and programs offered at IHOPKC during the year. We had some good conversations and times of praying for people. I also served in the prophecy rooms. The last day, Joannie and I brought Isaac and Hosanna. Isaac liked all the people and open spaces to run. Hosanna was in our carrier so not much else was different for her except the car ride down being stuck in a cars seat and the loud praise songs once we got inside the building. Thank you again for all those who partner with us. You are joining in this story. Our small family’s story and the larger story at work that God is doing in our nation.

Grace! Grace!

Brian, Joannie, Isaac and Hosanna