Time in Indy – We had a great time reconnecting with friends and family. Isaac enjoyed playing with his Mimi every day. We enjoyed the individual meetings with many of our friends—they were so life-giving. We left encouraged to continue in our assignment at IHOPKC. Another one of our highlights was participating in the local house of prayer, IHOPE Torchhouse – Indy. For our Indy friends, if you want to engage in corporate prayer with believers from around the city, check it out! They have prayer meetings Wed – Thu – Fri evenings. You don’t have to pray alone!
Immerse Program – Our team hosted sixty people last week at IHOPKC. By God’s grace, they grew in their identity in the Lord and grew in tools for leading prayer services. Over the course of the week, we saw physical healings, identifies grow in Christ and people equipped. Below is a photo of our prayer times as we prayed for the salvation of Israel one of the mornings (Rom. 10:1; 11:25-27). To see more photos and updates on what Immerse is about, check-out our Facebook page: Immerse Ihopkc.
Time in Taiwan – We will be serving in youth conferences with college-age students with a team of IHOPKC missionaries. Joannie will be training others in music theory; Brian will help them step-out in the gifts of the Spirit; Isaac will serve as our comedian and reality-checker. In addition, we will spend time with family. Also, we will be sharing with others about what God is doing in the prayer movement as we continue to build our team.
Thank you for your prayers and friendship as God continues to use us together to build a praying Church!
—Brian and Joannie