The Beauty of Jesus
- Jesus, Bridegroom, King and Judge Notes
- The Beauty of Jesus as a Bridegroom Notes
- The Beauty of Jesus as Judge (Isaiah 63:1-6) Notes
Series: Growing in Enjoyable and Effective Corporate and Devotional Prayer (10 sessions)
Session 1: The Invitation to Pray English 中文
Session 2: The Church as a House of Prayer English 中文
Session 3: The Beauty Realm of God – Revelation 4 English 中文
Session 4 & 5: Encountering God through the Word with Activation English 中文
Session 6: Praying in the Spirit – Biblical Background and The Purpose of this Gift English 中文
Session 7: Supplication – Importance of Asking in Prayer English 中文
Session 8: Prayers to Strengthen Your Inner Man Overview English 中文
Session 9: Why Pray for Israel’s Salvation? English 中文
Session 10: Intercession – Praying Apostolic Prayers English 中文- Pray-Reading the Word – Growing in prayer using the Scriptures Notes
- The Tabernacle of David (Background to Global Prayer and Worship Movement) Notes
- Harp and Bowl Format Notes
- Understanding Being a Priest of God (Rev. 1:6)
The Biblical background of the priesthood Notes
The priestly ministry God is reviving in the Church Notes
Christian Lifestyle
- Living from the Love of God: How to grow in love and get “unstuck” /住在神愛中(親密關係)的必須性 Notes Watch on Youtube
- A Christian Response to the Homosexual Lifestyle
Session 1: Overview of the Sermon on the Mount Notes 中文
Session 2: The Beatitudes, Part One (Poverty of Spirit, Spiritual Mourning, Meekness, Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness) Notes 中文
Session 3: The Beatitudes, Part Two (Mercy, Purity of Heart, Peacemaking and Persecution for Righteousness) Notes 中文
Session 4: Temptations to Avoid, Part One – Anger and Immorality (Mat. 5:21-30) Notes 中文
Session 5: Temptations to Avoid, Part Two – Disregarding the Sanctity of Marriage and False Commitments (Mat. 5:31-37) Notes 中文
Session 6: Temptations to Avoid, Part Three – Retaliation and Inactive Love (Mat. 5:38-48) Notes 中文
Session 7: Five Activities to Enjoy Kingdom Life (Mat. 6:1-21) Notes 中文
End Times
- Why We Want Jesus’ Return and How to Pray for It Notes
- Overview of the book of Isaiah Notes
- Jesus’ Kingship and Deliverance of Israel Notes
- The Evaluation Seat of Christ Notes
SERIES: BOOK OF REVELATION – The Unveiling of Jesus Christ and His End Time Plan (10 sessions)
Session 1: Roadmap to the book of Revelation Notes
Session 2: The Majesty of Jesus (Rev. 1) Notes
Session 3: The Throne Room of God (Rev. 4) Notes
Session 4: The Three Main TimeFrames of End Time Events Notes
Session 5: The Seal Judgments and Divine Protection (Rev. 6-7) Notes
Session 6: The Trumpet Judgments and Divine Direction (Rev. 8:1-11:14) Notes
Session 7: The Seventh Trumpet and Satan’s Agenda (Rev. 11:15-14:20) Notes
Session 8: The Seven Bowls of Wrath (Rev. 15-16) Notes
Session 9: The Harlot Babylon System (Rev. 17-18) Notes
Session 10: The Final Victory and the Restoration of All Things (Rev. 19-22) Notes
Appendix: Signs of the Times – Positive and Negative Notes
Prophetic Training
Training the Prophetic: Debunking 11 Common Myths that Hinder Growing Notes
Basics of Prophetic Ministry (3 part series)
- Overview of Salvation and Spiritual Gifts Notes
- The Prophetic Process: How to Hear God Notes
- The Prophetic Process: Growing and Testing Notes
Prophetic Evangelism (2 parts) / 先知性傳福音(兩堂)
- Hearing God / 聆聽神 English 中文
- Outreach (“Treasure Hunt”) / 外展(“尋寶”)English & 中文 Map Handout