Click the link to read a few highlights from our trip.
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Here on some testimonies below:
Taipei, Taiwan
Bread of Life Church, Shilin
Summer 2015
Our team taught at a young adults conference for two weeks on the Father’s heart, prayer and training on instruments for worship, as well as the Christian response to homosexuality and the prophetic gift (the final two Brian taught). Each student was required to fill out a feedback form and the church forwarded a few of the forms to us which Joannie translated so we could rejoice in what the Lord did those two weeks among the 80 young adults.
“I thought God doesn’t like if I made the mistake or sin, but I learn how He feels about me. He does not change His love for me even I sin, this transformed me…”
“I realized the way I see Heavenly Father is through the lens how I see my earthly father. I always thought He is an angry God or bring the sadness to me.”
“From the story of prodigal son, I have learned the Father’s love for me and know that He will provide and I don’t have to be afraid….”
“One of the sessions was on the homosexuality, I have lots of friends struggling in that area. I learn how to see them through God’s sight but also how to respond to them gently without compromising the truth…”
“Through the Brian’s three day sharing on prophetic teaching, I can feel more of presence of God…”
“I feel like I was stretched in spiritual sensitivity. I only could receive few pictures or words in the past, but it was a big jump for me this time. I was trained to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit…”
“I always thought that only the leaders could prophesy, but Brian taught us, ‘to desire spiritual gifts…’. I’ve learned that God will speak to those who are hungry for it.”
“I appreciate how Brian broke down the prophetic teaching, my core value is changed: Do not focus on if I can hear God at the moment or not, but how I can bless people….through practicing [we did activities in small groups] I gained confidence and was encouraged by the confirmation from the person I prophesied over. That encourages me to build a deeper and intimate relationship with God…”